Analysis of Mental and Physical Workload on Kerupuk Sehati Factory Employees


  • Ina Siti Hasanah Universitas Gunadarma Author
  • Alfian Ardi Nugroho Universitas Gunadarma Author



The Sehati Cracker Factory produces and sells cooked and raw crackers. The production capacity of raw crackers is 1000 kg per day for 8-9 working hours and 17 employees. The problem that occurs is that workers feel excessive physical workload so that worker performance decreases and workers cause errors, namely products become defective. The aim of this research is to measure workers' mental and physical workload, and make improvements so that workers' workload is reduced. To measure workers' mental workload using the NASA-TLX method and to measure workers' physical workload using the CVL method. Based on measurements using NASA-TLX, it shows that the average mental workload is in the high category of eleven workers and the very high category of six workers. The results of the CVL method calculation show that the greatest physical workload is felt by respondent A with a CVL value of 31.36% and respondent L with a CVL value of 38.93%. Recommendations suggest reducing physical and mental workload by adding exhaust fans, checking machines and equipment before production, using conveyance, organizing training, and providing rest areas.


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How to Cite

Analysis of Mental and Physical Workload on Kerupuk Sehati Factory Employees. (2024). Jurnal Ilmiah Dinamika Rekayasa, 20(2), 127-134.

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